

Ano de Lançamento: 1998


Requisitos Mínimos

Processador: Pentium 90 MHz ou Athlon equivalente
Velocidade do processador: 90 MHz
Memória RAM: 16 MB
Memória de vídeo: 2 MB
Direct3D: Sim
Sistemas Operacionas: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP
Espaço: 80 MB livres em disco


Release: Starcraft-Razor1911


  Install Notes

To install the game, simply unzip all the files into a temporary
directory, make a directory to hold the game in (e.g. C:\STAR), then
un-RAR the game into that directory:

unrar x -v -y starcrft.001 c:\star

After the game is decompressed, run SETUP.EXE in that directory to
configure your registry settings, then run SC.EXE to play!