Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2

Ano de Lançamento: 2009

Requisitos Mínimos

Processador: Intel Core 2 Duo ou AMD Athlon X2
Velocidade do processador: 2 núcleos de 2 GHz
Memória RAM: 1 GB
Memória de vídeo: 128 MB
Direct3D: Sim
Versão do DirectX: 9.0c
Sistemas Operacionas: Windows XP, Windows Vista
Espaço: 15 GB livres em disco

Requisitos Recomendados

Processador: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2
Velocidade do processador: 2 núcleos de 3.2 GHz
Memória RAM: 2 GB
Memória de vídeo: 256 MB
Direct3D: Sim
Sistemas Operacionas: Windows XP, Windows Vista

Outros: DirectX Compatível com Tela Capaz de usar 640×480 em 16 bit de Resolução de Cor

Recomendado: 1024×768 em 32-bit


Release: Saints Row 2-Razor1911


  Install Notes
 1. Extract RARs
2. Mount or Burn iso
3. Install using rzrsetup.exe on the disc, or run autorun
4. Copy Crack from the razor1911 dir over the installed files
Due to the nature of steam, we had to create a new installer ourselves.
If you feel unhappy with this, buy the game and enjoy installing steam as
an additional bonus!
Also note that the installation is roughly 11Gb, and you wont see a
progressbar during it. Check the installation path if you are worried
nothing is happening 😉
Razor 1911 Greetings