Of Orcs and Men
Ano de Lançamento: 2012
Requisitos Mínimos
Processador: AMD/Intel Dual-Core 2 Ghz
Memória RAM: 2 GB
Memória de vídeo: 512 MB
Chipset de vídeo: ATI Radeon HD 3850 / NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
Direct3D: Sim
Versão do DirectX: 9.0c
Sistemas Operacionas: Windows Vista, Windows 7
Espaço: 06 GB livres em disco
Release: Of.Orcs.And.Men-CPY Install Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Burn or mount the image
-Install the game
-Copy the crack
-Run the game
-Copy the Serial Number CPY3-A2375C-25537E-6742E9-33D453 to the
activation window and click on “Activate Manually”
-Copy the Activation Key CPY4-756383-4B7743-52A284-842745-697363 to
the activation window and click on “Next”
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